Well, hello there!
If you’re familiar with my podcast work, that greeting might sound familiar. I’m Caroline, and this is my website. Glad you could make it!
I figured for my first blog post, it might be appropriate to answer some questions that might be frequently asked as I launch my site and begin to share about my work, so here we go…
Q: Why a whole website? You have a Twitter with decent visibility and several publications with their own sites.
A: I’m working on several projects this year, including entering the TTRPG space, where I don’t have an organization set up to publish my work and I’m not sure yet what route I want to take in publishing. I also have a quality body of work outside of what I’ve done for my publications, but I can’t reference them in professional resumes or cover letters because they don’t actually exist anywhere on the Internet, so in order to better prove my credibility as a writer, I plan to publish them here.
Q: Why a whole website? You have a portfolio already and there are lots of other sites if you wanted to design a better/different one.
A: I felt that my current portfolio, which I was able to make for free, was beginning to look amateurish relative to the jobs for which I was applying. Rather than find a paid portfolio site, I decided that if I was going to pay for a product, I wanted the freedom to decide how to design it, organize it, and publish it as I pleased. A Squarespace website offers me that freedom at a price I was willing to pay.
Q: So is this site just for professional work then?
A: Absolutely not. This site is a personal website, which means it is whatever I want it to be. There are some sections that are intended for professional use, but it’s also a place for me to publish process stories and comments on my personal project progress, especially when my thoughts are too longform for social media. It’s also a great way for friends and relatives to keep up with all my creative endeavors without having to bounce from site to site or stalk my socials to piece together how a project is going. This way, it’s all in one place.
Q: I don’t even know how I ended up here. Who are you?
A: Oh goodness! Well, thanks for coming with me thus far. My name is Caroline Medley Freeman, I’m a writer in several different areas of expertise, all of which you can find detailed on this website. If you want to learn more about me and my writing journey, you can click the About link down in the footer, or feel free to follow me on Twitter if you’re more just interested in me as a person - the link is up at the top of the page. If you’ve clicked all over this site and think you’re ready to hire me for a project, click the Contact Me button up in the top right corner. If not, no hard feelings. Thanks for reading, and hope to see you around somewhere.